- Resources Organized By Text Complexity Levels
- Resources Organized By Text Types
- Level E
- Level H
- Level K
- Level M
- Level P/Q
Levels E, H and K Rubrics of Different Text Types
Level E Writing Exemplars of Different Text Types
- Informative
- Opinion
- Reading Response
- Narrative
E1 : Drawing Ideas with Details
Standards: E.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities A
Printable activities B
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.1.A.2, E.W.2.A.2, E.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Writing the Topic Sentence
Standards: E.W.2.A.1, E.W.4.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Write Supporting Ideas
Standards: E.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E8: Capital Letters
Standards: E.W.4.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E1 : Drawing Ideas with Details
Standards: E.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2a: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2b: Writing Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.1.C.1, E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.1.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4a: I Like and I Do Not Like
Standards: E.W.1.A.1, E.W.4.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4b: I Like to...
Standards: E.W.1.A.1, E.W.4.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Giving an Opinion with a Reason
Standards: E.W.1.A.2, E.W.1.B.1, E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Capital Letters
Standards: E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E1 : Drawing What a Story is About
Standards: E.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities A
Printable activities B
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing complete sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.1.A.2, E.W.2.A.2, E.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Writing the Topic Sentence
Standards: E.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Writing Supporting Ideas
Standards: E.W.2R.B.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E8: Capital Letter
Standards: E.W.4.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E1 : Drawing Ideas with Details to Tell a Story
Standards: E.W.3.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.D.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.3.A.2, E.W.4.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Writing the Topic Sentence
Standards: E.W.3.A.1, E.W.3.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Write Detail Sentences
Standards: E.W.3.A.1, E.W.3.A.2, E.W.3.B.1, E.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.A.1,E.W.4.B.1,E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E8: Capital Letters
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Levels E, H and K Rubrics of Different Text Types
- Informative
- Opinion
- Reading Response
- Narrative
H1: Four Types of Sentences
Standards: H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Introductory Sentence
Standards: H.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Supporting Sentences
Standards: H.W.2.A.1, H.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Conclusion Sentence
Standards: H.W.2.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Informative Paragraph
Standards: H.W.2.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H6: Linking Words
Standards: H.W.2.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H1: 4 Types of Sentence with
Period, Question mark, Exclamation point
Standards: H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Topic Sentence:Opinion
Standards: H.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Supporting Sentences
+ Topic Sentence
Standards: H.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Conclusion Sentence
Standards: H.W.1.E.1, H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Opinion Paragraph
Standards: H.W.1.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H6:Writing an Opinion Paragraph
Standards: H.W.1.C.1.
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H1: 4 Types of Sentence
Standards: H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Introductory Sentence
Standards: H.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Main Events of the story
Standards: H.W.2R.B.1, H.W.2R.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Writing a Paragraph About a Story
Standards: H.W.2R.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Sequence Words
Standards: H.W.2R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H1: Planning a Narrative Essay
Standards: H.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Writing the Topic Sentence
Standards: H.W.3.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Writing Action Sentence
Standards: H.W.3.B.1, H.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Writing the Solution Sentence
Standards: H.W.3.A.1, H.W.3.C.1, H.W.3.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Writing the Character's Feelings
Standards: H.W.3.A.1, H.W.3.C.1, H.W.3.E.1, H.W.3.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H6: Linking Words
Standards: H.W.3.A.1, H.W.3.C.1, H.W.3.D.1, H.W.3.E.1, H.W.3.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Levels H, K and M Rubrics of Different Text Types
- Informative
- Reading Response
- Narrative
K1: Writing a Three-Paragraph Informative Essay
Standards: K.W.2.A.1, K.W.4.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K2: The Graphic Organizer for an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K3: The Introduction Paragraph of an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K4: The Body Paragraph of an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K5: The Conclusion Paragraph of an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.E.1, K.W.2.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K6: Writing Compound Sentences and Longer Sentences with Special Phrases
Standards: K.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K1: The Introduction of a Book Report
Standards: K.W.1R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K2: The Summary of a Book Report
Standards: K.W.1R.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K3: The Opinion of a Book Report
Standards: K.W.1R.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K4: Using Special Phrases
Standards: K.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities 1
Printable activities 2
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K5: From Notes to Complete Sentences
Standards: K.W.4.B.1,K.W.1R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K6: Extending Sentences
Standards: K.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K1: Using Quotation Marks
Standards: K.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K2: Planning a Narrative Essay
Standards: K.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K3: Writing the Introduction Paragraph
Standards: K.W.3.A.1, K.W.3.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K4: Writing the Body Paragraph
Standards: K.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K5: Writing the Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: K.W.3.E.1, K.W.3.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K6: Linking Words and Phrases
Standards: K.W.4.B.1, K.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Levels K, M and PQ Rubrics of Different Text Types
- Opinion
- Informative
- Reading Response
- Narrative
M1: The Opinion Essay
Standards: M.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
prompt 3
prompt 4
prompt 5
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M2: The Hook
Standards: M.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
prompt 3
prompt 4
prompt 5
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: The Introduction Paragraph
Standards: M.W.1.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Body Paragraph
Standards: M.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
prompt 3
prompt 4
prompt 5
prompt 6
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: M.W.1.E.1, M.W.1.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: The Hook
Standards: M.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Introduction Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Body Paragraphs
Standards: M.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M6: The Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2.E.1, M.W.2.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M7: Extending Sentences
Standards: M.W.4.B.1, M.W.4.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Additional materials
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M1: The Reading Response Essay
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1, M.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M2: The Hook
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: The Introduction Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Body Paragraphs
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1, M.W.2R.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2R.E.1, M.W.2R.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M1: Using Quotation Marks and Indentions
Standards: M.W.4.A.1, M.W.4.C.2, M.W.4.C.3
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M2: Parts of a Narrative Essay
Standards: M.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: Planning a Narrative Essay
Standards: M.W.3.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Hook
Standards: M.W.3.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Introduction
Standards: M.W.3.A.1, M.W.3.A.2, M.W.3.A.3
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M6: The Body
Standards: M.W.3.B.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M7: The Conclusion
Standards: M.W.3.E.1, M.W.3.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M8: Linking Words and Phrases
Standards: M.W.3.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Levels M, P and Q Rubrics of Different Text Types
- Level P Opinion
- Level Q Reading Response
P1: The Opinion Essay
Standards: P.W.1.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P2: Introduction Paragraph
Part 1
Standards: P.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P3: Introduction Paragraph
Part 2
Standards: P.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P4: Introduction Paragraph
Part 3
Standards: P.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P5: The Reason for an Opinion and Types of Evidence
Standards: P.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P6: Use Textual Evidence to Support the Reason for Your Opinion
Standards: P.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P7: Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: P.W.1.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q1: Text Analysis: Compare and Contrast Essay.
Standards: Q.W.2R.A.1, Q.W.2R.A.2, Q.W.2R.B.1, Q.W.2R.C.1, Q.W.2R.D.1, Q.W.2R.E.1, Q.W.2R.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q2: Sentences that Compare and Contrast
Standards: Q.W.2R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q3: Organizing Ideas to Compare and Contrast
Standards: Q.W.2R.B.1, Q.W.2R.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q4: The Introduction of the Compare and Contrast Essay
Standards: Q.W.2R.A.1, Q.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q5: Writing the Body Paragraphs of the Compare and Contrast Essay
Standards: Q.W.2R.B.1, Q.W.2R.C.1, Q.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q6: Body Paragraphs in the Compare and Contrast Essay
Standards: Q.W.4.B.1, Q.W.2R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q7: The Conclusion of the Compare and Contrast Essay
Standards: Q.W.2R.E.1, Q.W.2R.E.2, Q.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
- Informative
- Opinion/Argumentative
- Reading Response
- Narrative
Cross Level Rubrics
Writing Exemplars
- E
- H
- K
- M
E1 : Drawing Ideas with Details
Standards: E.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities A
Printable activities B
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.1.A.2, E.W.2.A.2, E.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Writing the Topic Sentence
Standards: E.W.2.A.1, E.W.4.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Write Supporting Ideas
Standards: E.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E8: Capital Letters
Standards: E.W.4.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H1: Four Types of Sentences
Standards: H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Introductory Sentence
Standards: H.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Supporting Sentences
Standards: H.W.2.A.1, H.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Conclusion Sentence
Standards: H.W.2.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Informative Paragraph
Standards: H.W.2.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H6: Linking Words
Standards: H.W.2.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K1: Writing a Three-Paragraph Informative Essay
Standards: K.W.2.A.1, K.W.4.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K2: The Graphic Organizer for an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K3: The Introduction Paragraph of an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K4: The Body Paragraph of an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K5: The Conclusion Paragraph of an Informative Three-Paragraph Essay
Standards: K.W.2.E.1, K.W.2.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K6: Writing Compound Sentences and Longer Sentences with Special Phrases
Standards: K.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: The Hook
Standards: M.W.2.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Introduction Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Body Paragraphs
Standards: M.W.2.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M6: The Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2.E.1, M.W.2.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M7: Extending Sentences
Standards: M.W.4.B.1, M.W.4.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Additional materials
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Cross Level Rubrics
Writing Exemplars
- E
- H
- M
- P
E1 : Drawing Ideas with Details
Standards: E.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2a: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2b: Writing Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.1.C.1, E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.1.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4a: I Like and I Do Not Like
Standards: E.W.1.A.1, E.W.4.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4b: I Like to...
Standards: E.W.1.A.1, E.W.4.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Giving an Opinion with a Reason
Standards: E.W.1.A.2, E.W.1.B.1, E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Capital Letters
Standards: E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H1: 4 Types of Sentence with
Period, Question mark, Exclamation point
Standards: H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Topic Sentence:Opinion
Standards: H.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Supporting Sentences
+ Topic Sentence
Standards: H.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Conclusion Sentence
Standards: H.W.1.E.1, H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Opinion Paragraph
Standards: H.W.1.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H6:Writing an Opinion Paragraph
Standards: H.W.1.C.1.
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M1: The Opinion Essay
Standards: M.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
prompt 3
prompt 4
prompt 5
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M2: The Hook
Standards: M.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
prompt 3
prompt 4
prompt 5
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: The Introduction Paragraph
Standards: M.W.1.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Body Paragraph
Standards: M.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
prompt 3
prompt 4
prompt 5
prompt 6
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: M.W.1.E.1, M.W.1.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P1: The Opinion Essay
Standards: P.W.1.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P2: Introduction Paragraph
Part 1
Standards: P.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P3: Introduction Paragraph
Part 2
Standards: P.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P4: Introduction Paragraph
Part 3
Standards: P.W.1.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P5: The Reason for an Opinion and Types of Evidence
Standards: P.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P6: Use Textual Evidence to Support the Reason for Your Opinion
Standards: P.W.1.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
P7: Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: P.W.1.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Cross Level Rubrics
Writing Exemplars
- E
- H
- K
- M
- Q
E1 : Drawing What a Story is About
Standards: E.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E2: Fragments and Complete Sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1, E.W.4.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities A
Printable activities B
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E3: Writing complete sentences
Standards: E.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E4: Writing a Title
Standards: E.W.1.A.2, E.W.2.A.2, E.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E5: Writing the Topic Sentence
Standards: E.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E6: Writing Supporting Ideas
Standards: E.W.2R.B.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E7: Using Question Marks and Exclamation Points
Standards: E.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
E8: Capital Letter
Standards: E.W.4.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H1: 4 Types of Sentence
Standards: H.W.4.C.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H2: Introductory Sentence
Standards: H.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H3: Main Events of the story
Standards: H.W.2R.B.1, H.W.2R.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H4: Writing a Paragraph About a Story
Standards: H.W.2R.C.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
H5: Sequence Words
Standards: H.W.2R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K1: The Introduction of a Book Report
Standards: K.W.1R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K2: The Summary of a Book Report
Standards: K.W.1R.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K3: The Opinion of a Book Report
Standards: K.W.1R.E.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K4: Using Special Phrases
Standards: K.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities 1
Printable activities 2
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K5: From Notes to Complete Sentences
Standards: K.W.4.B.1,K.W.1R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt 1
prompt 2
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
K6: Extending Sentences
Standards: K.W.4.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M1: The Reading Response Essay
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1, M.W.2R.A.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M2: The Hook
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M3: The Introduction Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M4: The Body Paragraphs
Standards: M.W.2R.A.1, M.W.2R.B.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
M5: The Conclusion Paragraph
Standards: M.W.2R.E.1, M.W.2R.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q1: Text Analysis: Compare and Contrast Essay.
Standards: Q.W.2R.A.1, Q.W.2R.A.2, Q.W.2R.B.1, Q.W.2R.C.1, Q.W.2R.D.1, Q.W.2R.E.1, Q.W.2R.E.2
Teacher guide
Printable activities
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)
Q2: Sentences that Compare and Contrast
Standards: Q.W.2R.D.1
Teacher guide
Printable activities
Writing prompt
(vimeo link)
(YouTube link)